Monday, 22 February 2010

Futuristic Clothes from the book 'Fear and Fashion'.

I found an awesome book in the library a few weeks ago called "Fear and Fashion in the Cold War" by Jane Pavitt. It was just what I was looking for. It's full of photos of futuristic fashions, mainly made in the 1960s. I scanned some of the most interesting:

Frank Horvat, American man and woman in spacesuits. 1963: The kid makes me laugh, he looks like he just wants to get away from his 'weirdo' parents hehe!

Alice Edeling, tunic and boots in metallic fabric. the Netherlands, late 1960s:

Emilio Pucci, 'Space bubble' helmet for Braniff airlines, 1965: When I saw this I thought it was just some futuristic fashion shoot but no, the book says that this was actually worn by the air hostesses for a while (until they found it annoying)!! The idea was though that it would stop their hair from blowing all over the place when they got onto the run way, how cool is that!

Giji Bakker, neck ornament shoulder piece aluminium, 1967:

Paco Robanne, "Everything is made of steel", 1968:

Gijs Bakker. Emmy Van Leersum and Tiny Leeuwenkamp. 1970:

Models in metal sheets from the film Qui etes-vous, Polly Maggoo, 1966:

Vaclav Cigler, Circle Framing Face, 1968:

Haus-Rucker Co (Laurids Ortner, Gunter Zamp Kelp and Klaus Pinter), Environment Transformers, 1968: This just looks so awesome and weird! I put it on the cover of my dissertation :D

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Alan Fletcher Exhibition @ Cube

Yes thats right Alan Fletcher..
Nooooo not ^that^ one (unfortunately)! I have actually been to see THE GOOD Alan Fletcher and his band play ^_^. He reached over into the crowd and I reached over and touched his hand. yeahhhhhhhhhhh. [In case you didn't know..Neighbours is one of my top 3 tv shows, the other two being Home & Away and STAR TREK!]

Anyway the exhibition was about the 2nd best Alan Fletcher - the graphic designer.
It was pretty good. You could take photos aslong as you didn't use flash, so the photos are pretty poor but you get the idea. Here are some of the pieces i found most interesting:

There was a series of these called 'This is a drawing' 2004. They just really interested me. I like that it's black and white, a line drawing, a pattern, confusing and the fact he says "Writing is you on paper". That very day i'd just posted a letter. Even though i don't like my handwriting but it doesn't matter because it's more personal however scratty my handwriting is. I did tryyyy to write neater. Ooh and look there's my reflection:

I like seeing inside artists sketchbooks, i like seeing personal and free things like this, it's good to know other designers do crazy scribble-y drawings too:
I really like this, so cool! -
This was interesting, really makes an impact. It said he was in NYC when 9/11 happened and purchased lots of postcards then later did this to them:

I like how unpolished this is, at first glance it looks like a kidlet could have done it, but it made me laugh. I like it being all muddled up with the colours and names, it's just random and cool :p:

Thursday, 11 February 2010

a nosey at MOSI

I visited MOSI (Museum Of Science and Industry) on Monday. I'd never been before, but had been meaning to go for a while. The first time I heard about it was in first year of uni, from a German girl visiting Manchester, she went and thought it was awesome!
I didn't look around it all, mainly just the Air and Space hall. There wasn't that much space stuff anyway. There is a Chinese space exhibit on at the moment on the upper balcony thing. I didn't like the crappy typography they had, and the fact i could see loadsa cellotape on all the banners :S. I took a few photos before my camera died ¬_¬.
Can't remember what it said this is..but it looks damn cool! I love how angular it is and the little rivet/bolt things! I makes me think of some sort of alien/futuristic bomb/weapon! I think it spins around (a bit like the Xindi superweapon but not as advanced) and shoots lasers and dematerializes people/aliens/cats/penguins.

Here's a crappy picture in bad lighting of some models of rockets, they were a bit crap and look like they would topple over if you stood on a floorboard too close, they didn't though:

THE BEST thing I saw, Enterprise NCC-1701-D model! I nearly missed it as well. Deffo brought a grin to my face! My trekkie friends said it's left over from the Star Trek exhibition they had there about 10-15 years ago! Wish they had that again now!

I also went in the mini planetarium they have in there for a show of the stars, £1.50 thats alright to say the rest of the place is free to get in. I sat next to a mannequin in a astronauts suit and he was perched on a wheely computer chair, a bit weird. He wouldn't survive very long in space though because his arm was hanging off...

Sunday, 7 February 2010

The Unknown

I've been getting kinda freaked out recently because soon it will be the end of uni and I have no idea what I'm gonna do. But It's ok because I just watched DS9 and listening to Sisko trying to explain human existence and linear time to the worm hole aliens made me feel better. If you look at it one way, not knowing what will happen is exciting.

"That may be the most important thing to understand about Humans. It is the unknown that defines our existence. We are constantly searching, not just for answers to our questions, but for new questions. We are explorers. We explore our lives, day by day. And we explore the galaxy, trying to expand the boundaries of our knowledge. And that is why I am here. Not to conquer you with weapons or ideas, but to co-exist and learn."
- Commander Benjamin Sisko

Clip from the episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, episode "Emissary Part 2".